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Nightingale PTR Portal


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Boss Rush reset

The option to reset Boss Rush is gone.
Ariel Carlon 1 day ago in Bugs 1 Duplicate

Intel CPU user More Info goes to a broken link

At the login /char select screen, I noticed a while back that there's a red alert box at the bottom left that says, "Important Information for Intel CPU users..."The More Info button there opens another dialogue in the middle of the screen with a ...
Tepetkhet Koneko 1 day ago in Bugs 0 Planned

Existing character's recruitables eaten by the void

I just started the PTR with my previous local character. I was excited to try the new estate staffing options, so I went back to the settlement in Abeyance and was surprised to see that neither the person I'd once recruited then dismissed nor the ...
Paul Meyer 1 day ago in Bugs 0 Open

Build float height reduced to 2 clicks

Hey all. I posted this after last PTR's changes and it looks like the bug is still present: I've noticed that I am no longer able to free-build in the air. A couple patches back, I was able t...
Tepetkhet Koneko 1 day ago in Bugs 3 Under Investigation

Visual Bug with Obsidian Geometric Window

The Obsidian Geometric Window stands out slightly from the rest of the set when light reflects off of it.
Guest 1 day ago in Bugs 0 Open